筑波大学是日本的一所著名学府,为提升学校的国家化水平,学校每年都招收国际学生,同时也派遣本校学生到其海外合作大学学习。筑波大学不仅有适用于国际学生的奖学金,也有为日本学生海外学习提供的奖学金,以及紧急情况经济支助(Financial Support in Case of Emergency)。那么这些奖学金具体情况都如何呢?下面和留学群来看看吧! Tsukuba Scholarship 筑波大学奖学金 Based on the past track record in global cooperation, the University of Tsukuba has been aiming to foster human resources who can cooperate with people around the world in the field of education and research. It has been trying to promote internationalization by accepting foreign students and sending students abroad, as part of the Pro... [ 查看全文 ]筑波大学奖学金有哪几类的相关文章