要报名参加雅思考试的朋友看这里,下面是留学群雅思考试栏目提供“2017年雅思口语备考资料:观点还是事实”,希望可以帮助到大家! 观点还是事实(opinions or facts) 其实这两件事情的拎不清是普遍存在的,不仅仅是在雅思口语中。而且想要把这两样东西完全分清楚在我看来绝不是件易事。 但如果我们在“opinion”和“fact”出现比较严重的混淆或有点拎不清的话,我觉得在这里我就有必要给大家说一说了。 同学们在回答问题时有时会容易把opinion当fact来说。说多了就会给人一种很武断的感觉。比如: If children bring cellphones to school, it will affect their studies. Some foreigners in China are interested in Chinese culture, so they are willing to try Chinese food. More and more Chinese parents have seen the benefits of studying abroad, so they will send their children to g... [ 查看全文 ]2017年雅思口语备考资料:观点还是事实的相关文章
雅思口语日常训练话题:Character description
备考雅思的朋友看过来,“雅思口语日常训练话题:Character description”由留学群雅思考试栏目为您提供,童鞋们要坚持每日练习哦! 雅思口语人物类高频话题: Describe an old person you know and you respect Describe a person you enjoy talking with Describe a good nei...[ 查看全文 ]