篇一:生病英语作文 爸爸这几天得了一种“怪病”,不笑的时候很正常,一笑起来他的嘴巴歪了,左边眼睛闭不拢了,我看他的脸感觉好奇怪啊,妈妈说这个毛病叫“面瘫”,是面神经麻痹,需要针灸,吃药治疗。可能最近爸爸太辛苦了,白天医院里开完刀回家还要监督我学习、练琴,等我上床睡觉了他还要忙自己的论文,一直到很晚才睡觉。我要听话点,自觉点,不用爸爸妈妈操心我的学习,这样爸爸的病才会快点好起来。 My father had a few days ago, a "strange disease", do not laugh when the normal, laughing his mouth crooked, and the left side of the eyes closed, and I look at his face feeling strange ah, my mother said the disease called " Facial paralysis "is facial nerve palsy, need acupuncture, medication treatment. May be too hard my father recently, during the day... [ 查看全文 ]生病英语作文的相关文章