拜罗伊特大学是德国一所知名的国立大学,学校在科学,文化与技术工艺方面有着独到之处,最重要的是有高质量的毕业生。拜罗伊特大学还独树一帜,体育系和经济系共同合作,为未来的体育经理人才开设了"体育经济学"专业。那么,该校都有哪些申请要求呢?一起来看看吧。 一、Undergraduate 拜罗伊特大学本科申请 1.School-leaving certificate from a German Gymnasium or a PASCH school School-leaving certificate from a German Gymnasium Foreign graduates of a German Gymnasium are considered to be domestic applicants (Bildungsinländer), meaning they are treated as German applicants for the purpose of admission. The criteria for degree programmes with limited admission and for programmes of study ... [ 查看全文 ]德国拜罗伊特大学留学申请攻略的相关文章