悉尼科技大学为了吸引留学生,设置了丰厚的奖学金,跟着留学群来了解下吧,欢迎阅读。UTS offers the following 37 scholarships to international, postgraduate research students.悉尼科技大学为国际留学研究生提供37项奖学金ABRS National Taxonomy Research Student Travel Bursary (External)The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) offers small grants to Honours, Masters and PhD Students in Australian institutions to travel to national or international conferences relevant to both the student's research program in taxonomy or systematics, and to the ABRS Research Priorities.Value:A maximum of $1,0... [ 查看全文 ]澳洲悉尼科技大学研究生奖学金种类和申请条件的相关文章