留学群相关文章 Played football英语作文的相关文章推荐
Played football英语作文
Yesterday I played football with my classmates in the rain.下面是留学群作文栏目小编为您精心编辑的文章,希望对你的写作有所启示,写出好的作文。(1) Played footballYesterday I played football with my classmates in the rain.When I woke up
this moring,I had a headachache,coughed and had a sore throat.I felt so terrible
that my mother took me to see the doctor.The doctor asked me some questions and
looked me over .He told my mother that I had a bad cold.He gave me some medicine
and told me to stay in bed for three days.Though the medicine was really
bitter,I took it three times o...
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Played football英语作文的相关文章
自信心对于一个人来说是很重要的,下面是留学群作文栏目小编为你整理的自信的重要性高中英语作文,希望你喜欢!自信的重要性高中英语作文篇1it is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various
difficulties. when we are faced with them, nothing is more importan...[ 查看全文 ]
All children are innocent, but not all of them are honest. 下面是留学群作文栏目小编为您精心编辑的文章,希望对你的写作有所启示,写出好的作文。小孩子为什么说谎?(1630字)All children are innocent, but not all of them are honest. Quite a few of
them t...[ 查看全文 ]
关于说谎的英语作文一:说谎(881字)Never think you will never be detected, when you want to tell a lie. The
chances are, sooner or later, your lie witt be found out and it will then expose
you to shame.Telling a ...[ 查看全文 ]
Being a minor, we should be very happy to have such a study law knowledge
of opportunities.First, through studying law, can enhance own legal consciousness and legal
concept, knowing what is legal...[ 查看全文 ]
我们生活在法制的国度,处处需有法,处处需遵法,而作为青少年,我们要应该让法律在心间长驻。下面是留学群作文栏目小编为您精心编辑的文章,希望对你的写作有所启示,写出好的作文。有关法律的英语作文让法律在心间长驻我们生活在法制的国度,处处需有法,处处需遵法,而作为青少年,我们要应该让法律在心间长驻。因为重要,所以学法我们从初中开始便开设了法制教育课程,法律的重要性可见一斑。通过学法,我们对法律有了逐步...[ 查看全文 ]
What is integrity? Integrity is a good quality of being honest. It is a fine virtue for everyone.下面是留学群作文栏目小编为您精心编辑的文章,希望对你的写作有所启示,写出好的作文。第一篇IntegrityWhat is integrity? Integrity is a good quality o...[ 查看全文 ]
篇一:初中毕业英语作文多彩的初中生活就要过去了,回首往日,一切就像是在昨天。三年的初中生活,无尽的酸甜苦辣,在这即将告别的日子,一起涌上心头……初中生活很甜。同学间三年的友谊浓郁醇香,甜进心坎。从刚入学时的互不相识,到逐渐无所不谈,甜,就像蜜糖吃进嘴,一点点地甜到心里。我们在一起读书、写字、高谈阔论;我们在一起打篮球、踢足球,满场飞奔。快乐,大家分享;困难,一起担当。幸福就是这样吧!真的,初中生活...[ 查看全文 ]
篇一:英语作文高中毕业我毕业了,没有太多的激动、太多的遗憾。回想这三年的高中生活,我由一个开朗、阳光的懵懂小子,变成了现在这个沉默、冷面的忧郁男孩。其间有太多太多的故事。高中的学习让我很受伤,和初中完全不同的模式让我到现在都没能适应。一直被压在最底层,偶尔爬上,也很快又被压下。记得某一天,妈妈语重心长地对我说“儿啊~千万要挺住,不要让成绩掉下来了”。我说“妈,你放心,我决不回再往下掉了。因为我已经...[ 查看全文 ]
篇一:暑假计划英语作文老师发的暑假作业有语文、数学和英语,每本一共还不到60页,我要每天认认真真的把各门写一张,写完后要仔细检查,按这样一个月就能写完了,万一哪天因为特殊的事情写不成,也不用担心暑假作业写不完。每天七点整准时读二十分钟的精彩文章。准备暑假期间阅读8本以上的课外书。必须是有用的或我喜欢的书。每天至少读一个小时,增加知识量。每天两天写一篇日记,发一篇博文。如果要旅游,或参加夏令营时可以...[ 查看全文 ]
高考,不过是我们一生的一个小节点而已,所以对于高考,既要充满期待和信心,也要戒备与提防。下面是留学群为考生提供的2017年高考福建英语作文范文。祝各位考生金榜提名!更多高考资讯请关注高考栏目!Dear Leslie,How are you? Glad to see you have made some progress in Chinese learning and I’m writing t...[ 查看全文 ]