要参加雅思考试的同学们,留学群为你整理“2017年雅思口语精选:体育与政治”,供大家参考学习,希望广大放松心态,从容应对,正常发挥。更多资讯请关注我们网站的更新哦!2017年雅思口语精选:体育与政治Sports and PoliticsSome people think that sport and politics should remain separate Governments are involved in the hosting of sporting events such as the Olympics.These events attract investment and create jobs.The Olympic Games are an advertisement for the host nationThey attract huge numbers of visitors and sports fansWealthy countries tend to hold these eventsDeveloping countries should be given the chance to become hosts... [ 查看全文 ]2017年雅思口语精选:体育与政治的相关文章