为了帮助在众多考生解决托福作文的常见问题,留学群小编整理的关于托福作文技巧的知识,希望可以帮助考生度过考试的难关,下面是小编搜集的托福写作模板的相关资讯,更多信息请浏览留学群托福栏目【https://toefl.liuxuequn.com/】!托福写作素材模板:因特网的兴起素材段落The Internet has made it possible for individuals to get connected to information whenever they need it. At the touch of a button, tourists can learn almost anything they want to know about a city they are visiting. Local residents also benefit as they can locate facilitates, such as the nearest hospital or community center, in a matter of seconds. However, all the conveniences mentioned above were not p... [ 查看全文 ]【托福写作素材模板】因特网的兴起的相关文章