为了帮助考生解决托福考试阅读部分的疑问,留学群小编整理了相关的资料,希望可以帮助考生度过考试的难关,下面是小编搜集的托福阅读考试长难句的相关资讯,欢迎参考!查看全部长难句分析The people of the Netherlands, with a long tradition of fisheries and mercantile shipping, had difficulty in developing good harbors suitable for steamships:eventually they did so at Rotterdam and Amsterdam, with exceptional results for transit trade with Germany and central Europe and for the processing of overseas foodstuffs and raw materials (sugar, tobacco, chocolate, grain, andeventually oil). (TPO18, 59)mercantile /'mɜːk(ə)ntaɪl/ adj. 贸易的,商业的excep... [ 查看全文 ]【托福阅读长难句分析】欧洲贸易的相关文章