托福阅读考试中的长句子一直是很多学生的难点。留学群小编整理了相关的资料,希望可以帮助考生度过考试的难关,下面是小编搜集的托福阅读考试长难句的相关资讯,更多资讯请关注托福考试栏目!查看全部长难句分析The increase in food production in these regions led to a significant growth in population, while efforts to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas and to protect the local inhabitants from hostile forces outside the community provoked the first steps toward cooperative activities on a large scale. (TPO33, 53)inhabitant /ɪn'hæbɪtənt/ n. 居民,住户hostile /'hɒstaɪl/ adj. 含敌意的,极不友好的;provoke /prə'vəʊk/ vt. 激怒... [ 查看全文 ]【托福阅读长难句分析】食物产量增加的相关文章