挪威的奥斯陆大学始建于1811年,是挪威规模最大、国际声誉最高、历史最悠久的综合性大学。那么跟着留学群一起来了解下挪威奥斯陆大学基本概况吧,欢迎阅读。一、关于奥斯陆大学The University of Oslo was founded in 1811 as the first in Norway.Located mainly on Blindern Campus in the northern part of Oslo, UiO has eight faculties:,Faculty of Medicine,Faculty of Dentistry,Faculty of Law,Faculty of Theology,Faculty of Humanities,Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,Faculty of Social Sciences,Faculty of Education Sciences.The capital university is also home to the Viking Ship Museum, the Historical Museum and the Natur... [ 查看全文 ]挪威奥斯陆大学基本概况的相关文章