2018US News世界大学前300排名
前不久,US News公布了2018年全球最佳大学排名,列出了世界范围内的1千2百多所大学。哪些大学进入了世界前三百呢?下面就和留学群一起来看看吧。These institutions from the U.S. and more than 60 other countries have been ranked based on 13 indicators that measure their academic research performance and their global and regional reputations. Students can use these rankings to explore the higher education options that exist beyond their own countries' borders and to compare key aspects of schools' research missions.US News根据13项指标,对美国和世界60个国家大学的学术科研表现和它们在全球及区域的声誉进行了评估,评出了2018全球最佳大学排名。想申请国外大学的同学可... [ 查看全文 ]2018US News世界大学前300排名的相关文章