犹他州立大学成立于1888年,是美国犹他州一所著名的公立研究型大学,目前在QS美国大学排名中位列第157位。下面是留学群整理并翻译的犹他州立大学基本概况,供大家选校参考。关于犹他州立大学Since its founding in 1888, Utah State University has evolved from a small-town college tucked away in the Northern Utah mountains to a thriving research university respected around the world. Students can choose from an array of academic and social opportunities at a university known throughout the world for its intellectual and technological leadership.The setting. USU is just minutes from two mountain ranges and within a half-day's dr... [ 查看全文 ]美国犹他州立大学基本概况的相关文章