托福口语讲究的就是考生知识储备的技能,那么关于人生状态的口语该怎么表达呢?想必是不少出国人士关心的内容,那么和留学群一起来了解了解人士状态的口语怎么表达,欢迎阅读。人士状态的口语怎么表达一、生死状态1、No man is born wise.没有人生而知之。2、He was borne by Mrs. Gadabout.他为加达保特夫人所生。(接by引导的短语时,用borne这一形式)3、Juliana is expecting about next January.朱莉安娜明年一月生产。表示“生育”的词还有:big with a child, in the family way, in a certain condition, in a bad shape, have a white swelling, in a delicate condition, wear the apron(围裙)high, have swallowed a water-melon seed等。4、He was born in the city and brought up in the country.他生在城市长在乡村。5、Liu Hulan is a heroine, and she lived ... [ 查看全文 ]人士状态的口语怎么表达的相关文章