出国留学考研网为大家提供2018年考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解TEXT2,更多考研资讯请关注我们网站的更新!2018年考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解TEXT2Text2While fossil fuels- coal,oil,gas- still generate roughly 85 percentof theworld's energy supply,it'sclearer than ever that the future belongs to renewablesources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentumaround the world: They now account for more than half ofnew power sourcesgoing on line.Some growth stems from a commitment bygovernments and farsightedBusinssesto fundcleanerenergy sources.But increasinglythestoryisabout theplum... [ 查看全文 ]2018年考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解TEXT2的相关文章