日本的文化习俗与中国有很多相似的地方,比如说过年吃年糕啦,下面留学群来说说2名日本人在新年期间吃年糕丧命,一起来看年糕的实用禁忌。Two people have died in Japan and several are in a critical condition after choking on traditional rice cakes as part of the new year celebrations.日本有两人在迎新年中因食用传统年糕被噎住而死亡,另有几人情况危急。They may seem harmless, but each year the hard-to-eat snack claims several lives, prompting annual warnings from officials.这些小吃可能看起来对人体没有害处,但是每年都有人因为难以食用的小吃而丧命,这也引起官方的年度警告。What is a mochi?年糕是什么?The cakes, known as mochi, are cute round buns made of soft and chewy rice.这种叫做"mochi"的年糕是一种很可爱的圆形糕点,是用软软的糯米制... [ 查看全文 ]日本留学:请看年糕的食用禁忌的相关文章