英国梅姨访华的新闻震惊世界,那么当地的英国媒体是如何报道梅姨访华呢?想必是不少对海外资讯感兴趣人士比较关心的问题,和留学群一起来看看英国媒体如何报道英国首相梅姨的访华之行!欢迎阅读。英国媒体如何报道英国首相梅姨的访华之行记者整理了特雷莎·梅发言的要点,大家可以对照英文进行阅读。In 2015, you paid a very successful state visit to the United Kingdom, and it was then the Golden Era of UK-China relations was established.Since then, I think we have indeed achieved a great deal in enhancing the links between our two countries, both in terms of the people links but also trading links.We now see trade valued nearly 60 billion pounds and 600,000 visas issued for Chinese visitors to the Uni... [ 查看全文 ]英国媒体如何报道英国首相梅姨的访华之行的相关文章