2019年帕森斯设计学院的申请已经开始了,那么该学院的服装设计与社会(艺术类硕士)申请条件是怎样的呢?今天又增添了哪些最新的要求呢?跟着留学群来一起看看吧,欢迎阅读。前言:从本质上来说,该专业属于工艺美术类的范畴,随着手工业和人类文明的发展,人们对于穿着的要求度越来越高相关的行业也就应运而生。一、服装设计与社会专业申请和财政援助截止日期1.申请报名截止日期Application DeadlineThe application deadline is January 1. To be most competitive for admission and merit scholarship consideration, please apply before the deadline. We will continue to review applications submitted after the January 1 priority deadline pending space availability in the program. The Admission Committee will make a decision on your applicatio... [ 查看全文 ]2019年帕森斯设计学院服装设计与社会专业硕士申请条件的相关文章