2018年导游资格考试即将开始啦,小编在这里为考生们整理了2018年导游资格考试英语导游词,希望能帮到大家,想了解更多资讯,请关注留学群的及时更新哦。2018年导游资格考试英语导游词:北京天坛Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the empero... [ 查看全文 ]2018年导游资格考试英语导游词:北京天坛的相关文章