本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《四个月如何考取6.5》。 根据多年来对于雅思考试难度的追踪和大量雅思培训学员的经验,抛开不切实际的短期“魔法”,请大家尽可能的相信科学的和专业的建议. 剑桥雅思官方意见“......全日制雅思学习三个月大概总分可以提高一分 increase overall band of 1.......” BY the way, My course plan is designed for students for whom English is usually the Third Language at school and hence are highly vernacular and even speaking to them in English is a slight problem. That is reason my sessions normally get cramped towards the end just before their exam. 感谢您阅读留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)为您提供的《四个月如何考取6.5》一文. 留学群雅思频道小编为大家精心准备了延伸阅读,绝不让鸭梨们再到网... [ 查看全文 ]雅思备考捷径四个月如何考取6.5的相关文章