美国罗德岛设计学院是美国的一所顶级的私立的艺术类院校,其中服装设计也是十分的出名的,那么该专业今年的申请条件是怎样的呢?跟着留学群来看看吧,要提早准备哦。一、专业概况Apparel Design prepares students to meet the highest requirements of the fashion industry and articulate their own unique vision through the clothing they design and make. Emphasizing conceptual rigor matched by strong artistic and technical skills, the program guides majors through each stage of the apparel design process—from concept sketches to beautifully executed wearables.Apparel Design majors explore a range of materials and learn pattern dra... [ 查看全文 ]2019年美国罗德岛设计学院服装设计专业录取分数线的相关文章