2019年美国罗德岛设计学院公布了最新的雕塑专业的本科及研究生申请条件,不仅要求要提交符合条件的作品集,还对申请人的英语成绩做出了严格的要求,还有哪些要求呢?跟着留学群来一探究竟吧。At RISD, Sculpture is about the growth of the individual as part of a larger community. The department ethos emphasizes visual and critical literacy and intensive skill acquisition in support of conceptually strong creative practices. Encouraged to experiment and push beyond obvious solutions, students learn to think holistically and understand the importance of the work they make as it relates to the world. Ultimately, they're able to pro... [ 查看全文 ]2019年美国罗德岛设计学院雕塑专业录取分数线的相关文章
历史/哲学和社会科学专业是罗德岛设计学院的一门的跨学科的一个专业,囊括了心理、社会、政治、哲学等内容,那么该专业的申请条件是怎样的呢?跟着留学群一起来了解一下吧。一、专业概况An interdisciplinary liberal arts department, History, Philosophy and the Social Sciences (HPSS) offers a wid...[ 查看全文 ]