教学+艺术+设计学习专业课程罗德岛设计学院特有的专业之一,遗憾的是该专业并没有本科课程只有硕士课程可以申请,那么2019年最新的申请条件是怎样的呢?跟着留学群来一起看看吧。一、专业详情Teaching + Learning in Art + Design (TLAD) offers graduate students a progressive and dynamic center of inquiry and practice that directly links academic study to engagement with communities beyond campus. TLAD students both explore and contribute to the development of new practices in art and design teaching across an arts learning continuum spanning from kindergarten to college and beyond.In both the MAT and MA programs, practice-based stud... [ 查看全文 ]2019年美国罗德岛设计学院教学+艺术+设计专业录取分数线的相关文章