留学群为您整理“中考英语《句型分类》考点:延续否定句与半否定句”,欢迎阅读参考,更多精彩内容请继续关注我们的网站(www.liuxuequn.com)。中考英语《句型分类》考点:延续否定句与半否定句延续否定句句型11[(前句)否定句,+(后句)否定句]1. "Oh, no, no, no and again no," said Pinocchio. "I must be a good boy."2. "Am I troubling you?"-"no, not in the least."3. I shall never do it, not under any circumstances.4. We must not think of him as a big, strong boy. Far from it!5. I don't know how much you've got, and I dare say you hardly know yourself, as it would take a pretty long time to count it.句型12[(前句) 主语+否定式谓语…,( 后句)not+ (同前)主语]1. I'll not d... [ 查看全文 ]中考英语《句型分类》考点:延续否定句与半否定句的相关文章