美国留学市场营销专业推荐信应该怎么写你知道吗?留学群的小编反手就是一篇美国留学市场营销专业推荐信范文给你,赶紧看起来吧,希望能够帮助带你哦。To Whom It May Concern,As the advisor to Ms. Li Yan during her college years, I, the undersigned, know Ms. Li very well for we knew each other from 1999 and have kept very close contact ever since. Not only is she a top student during the undergraduate program, she has also proved to be excellent in many aspects such as speech presentation and other social activities. She is one of the few most talented students of her grade that I have ever met.With sound learning skills, ... [ 查看全文 ]美国留学市场营销专业的推荐信范文的相关文章