留学群为您整理了“2018年英语四级考试写作模拟题:学校活动”供您参考!希望帮助到您!更多相关资讯请继续关注本网站的更新!祝您顺利通过考试!2018年英语四级考试写作模拟题:学校活动1. 校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动,现招聘志愿者2. 本次活动的目的、内容及安排3. 报名条件和联系方式范文An announcement for a voluntary programModel Essay:Dear fellow students,Attention, please! We are now recruiting volunteers to participate in (take part in / get involved in) a voluntary program held by the student union during the summer break.The details of our activity are listed as follows. First, this activity is aimed at cultivating (giving a boost to ) your sense of responsibility, broadening ... [ 查看全文 ]2018年英语四级考试写作模拟题:学校活动的相关文章