对于很多考雅思的同学来说,不知道准备的怎么样了呢?那么今天就和留学群的小编一起来了解一下托福听力19个简单句型。(图片转自百度)1. Mrs. Jones is out of coffee.琼斯夫人的咖啡用完了。2. The question is too important to forget.这个问题太重要了不能忘记。3. The woman wanted to keep her accident quiet.这位妇女想对她的事故守口如瓶。4. I’m going to do away with these clothes.我准备把这些衣服处理掉。125. In order to cash a check at many banks, one must show a valid driver’s license with this photograph on it.5. The teacher called off the test completely.老师彻底取消了考试。6. When I told Mike the news, he blew up.当我告诉麦克这个消息时,他大发雷霆。7. The sole survivor of the plane crash was... [ 查看全文 ]托福听力19个简单句型的相关文章