传媒专业是一个热门专业,也是一个在社会上非常有影响力的专业,那么接下来就和留学群来看看2018年英国传媒专业院校推荐。1. 伦敦政治经济学院P4U1 MSc Media and CommunicationsP4U6 MSc Media and Communications (Research)P3U3 MSc Media and Communications (Media and Communication Governance)P3U2 MSc Media, Communication and DevelopmentM1UR MSc International RelationsM1UI MSc International Relations (Research)L2UG MSc International Relations TheoryY2U7 MSc Gender, Media and CultureL3UC MSc Culture and SocietyP4UB LSE-Fudan Double MSc Global Media and CommunicationsP4U4 LSE-USC Double MSc Global Media and Communicatio... [ 查看全文 ]2018年英国传媒专业院校推荐的相关文章