高考频道为大家提供高考英语阅读:幸福来自你的内心,无需他求,希望大家在练习阅读能力的时候,多积累一些句子!高考英语阅读:幸福来自你的内心,无需他求We all live our lives, placing our happiness on diverse objects, sometimes on people, and sometimes on priorities.我们都过着自己的生活,有各种各样的事物让我们感到幸福,比如某些人或者某些物品。But the question is, what do we do, when they are all gone?但问题是,如果这些让我们感到幸福的东西都消失了,我们该怎么办?We fail to realize that our happiness is an inward thing, and that it should be created from the inside of us.我们尚未意识到的是,幸福是一种源自内心的感受,应该从我们的心灵内部诞生。A lot of us have gone heartbroken on several occasions because our sources of happiness ... [ 查看全文 ]高考英语阅读:幸福来自你的内心,无需他求的相关文章