在上学的路途中,有那些是值得讨论的呢?小编为你提供了2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:上学环境,一起来试试吧,希望能够帮助到你,想知道更多相关资讯,请关注网站更新。2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:上学环境• Describe the pictures and talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.• 1. 学校环境对比• 2. 上学路途对比• 3. 考上大学与否对比• 4. 兄妹上学对比Discussion• Why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education?More Questions• 1. Why is education important for the development of our county?• 2. Do you think it’s a good idea for parents to send their young children abroad to study?• 3. Why do you think some parents... [ 查看全文 ]2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:上学环境的相关文章