考试准备的怎么样啦,小编为你提供了2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:受人尊敬的人|废物回收,快来试试吧,希望能对你的口语考试有所帮助,更多相关内容,请关注网站更新。2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:受人尊敬的人Questions respected people• 1. What kind of people do you like working with?• 2. Do you believe in the saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?• 3. What do you think of people who always rely on other people’s homework?• 4. What do you think of students who often copy other people’s homework?• 5. Among your classmates, who do you admire most?• 6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most?People you admire (for candidates)• 1. peo... [ 查看全文 ]2019年6月英语六级口语讨论:受人尊敬的人|废物回收的相关文章