考试准备的怎么样啦?小编为你2019上半年大学英语六级口语场景练习:收取佣金,快来试试吧,希望能够帮助到你,想知道更多相关资讯,请关注网站更新。2019上半年大学英语六级口语练习1What's the rate of commission you want to charge?你收取多少佣金呢?What's the rate of commission you want to charge?你收取多少佣金呢?5% of the net profit.净利润的5%。How much commission will you give if thetransaction is US $1,000, 000?成交额在一百万美元以上,你们给多少佣金?What commission would you expect?你希望收取多少佣金?Generally speaking, commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.一般来讲,佣金多少由订货量决定。2019上半年大学英语六级口语练习2This is a detailed sheet of our offer.这是我方的一份报价清单。This is a detaile... [ 查看全文 ]2019上半年大学英语六级口语场景练习:收取佣金的相关文章