考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由留学群小编为你精心准备了“考研英语:长难句模拟题解析(十五)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!考研英语:长难句模拟题解析(十五)考研英语长难句训练题:1. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in waysthat weaken the court's reputation for beingindependent and impartial.2. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court's decisions will be accepted asimpartial judgements.3. At the very least, the court should make itselfsubject to the code of conduct that applies to therest of the federal judiciary.4. They gave justices permanent positions so theywould be free to upse... [ 查看全文 ]考研英语:长难句模拟题解析(十五)的相关文章