雅思口语 年龄问题的范文
雅思口语之年龄问题解析 虽然是英文原版的,但是要是连这段儿都看不明白,那肯定是雅思阅读5分以下的水平啊…… Questions: when do people (usually) get married in your country? Explanations: For this question, I think it will be very easy for our Chinese students because you are just in the age of talking about the love and marriage. Actually, when we talk this topic in Chinese, it will be very simple and we may last our talking to the whole afternoon or even the whole day. However, it SEEMS so difficult for us to talk in English. The reason is very simple, Chinese is our moth... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语 年龄问题的范文的相关文章