本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《口语训练(一)》。 I [Introduction]The interviewer will introduce him/herself and may begin the interview by asking you some questions about the information you gave on a form you filled in before the reading and writing test. This form has details of your educational and work background as well as information about your interests and plan. It will help you in this section if you fill out the form carefully. The more information you give about your interests and plans, the better.This section tests your ability to use social g... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语:口语训练(一)的相关文章
雅思口语学习网站:Something you created in school
本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《Something you created in school》。 提示:范文仅供参考,不可背诵,不可以作为考试回答依据。 雅思口语网(https://www.liuxuequn.com/ielts/kouyu/)欢迎您再来拜读《Something you created in school》一文....[ 查看全文 ]雅思满分口语:口语范文:
本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《口语范文:》。 Describe the most important invention before the computer. You should say: What it is.What it is used for.What the advantages and...[ 查看全文 ]