GRE词汇:immaculate 考法
改革后的新gre考试词汇量的考察下降20%,但是并不代表词汇在新gre考试中不重要了,新gre考试更加注重实际语言能力的考察了,所以同学们绝对不能放松对词汇的学习,以下是小编为大家搜集的有关immaculate的考法。 immaculate: 纯洁的; having no stain or blemish : PURE (adj.) perfectly clean; correct; pure An immaculate house is free of dust or clutter. immaculate : cleanliness immaculate <> squalid 【考法1】adj. 干净的,纯净的: free from dirt or stain; free from any trace of the coarse or indecent 【例】 an immaculate soul 一个纯净的灵魂 【近】 antiseptic, chaste, clean, decent, modest, pristine, pure, spotless, stainless, virgin 【反】 coarse, indecent, obscene, vul... [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐:
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1) n. 新手: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity 2) young and inexperienced Synonyms: novice, rookie, nascent, uninitiated; apprentice, beginner, freshman, neophyte, novice, tyro...[ 查看全文 ]