时间过得很快,一转眼已经八月末,下面由留学群小编为你精心准备了“2021考研英语作文范文赏析:你喜欢单独学习还是一起学习?”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2021考研英语作文范文赏析:你喜欢单独学习还是一起学习?Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Study habits are a very individual thing. Some people like to study alone, while others like to study with a group. Personally, I would rather study alone, but I can see advantages to both ways.It can be very helpful to study with other students. For one thing, you can e... [ 查看全文 ]2021考研英语作文范文赏析:你喜欢单独学习还是一起学习?的相关文章