考研英语句子翻译解析是怎样的呢?还不知道的考生看过来,下面由留学群小编为你精心准备了“2021考研英语:翻译练习解析(72)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯!2021考研英语:翻译练习解析(72)unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.译文:如果你的货物没有与保险公司签订合同,就无法因运输过程中受损而得到赔偿。第086句christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though to go out of the office.译文:克里斯蒂生气地瞪着她的老板,然后转过身去,好像要走出办公室似的。when i came to my senses, i found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with grandma bending over me.译文:当我苏醒时,发现自己裹着被子躺在我小屋里的床上,奶奶正俯身... [ 查看全文 ]2021考研英语:翻译练习解析(72)的相关文章