留学群相关文章 最新GRE考试词汇记忆:glib的相关文章推荐
glib:流利圆滑的;marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing
1)informal, without thought or sincerity
2)smooth and slippery;speaking or spoken in a smooth manner
3)marked by ease or informality;nonchalant;lacking in depth;superficial
glib <> taciturn, reticent
maladroit:skill=glib:profundity 不灵巧的:技巧=口齿伶俐的:深度
Synonyms: flip, offhand, slick
His glib comment might have been insulting, except that everyone knew that he generally did not mean what he said.
The salesman was so glib that the customers failed to notice the defects in the...
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flout:轻视;to treat with contemptuous disregard
1)to neglect or treat with scorn
2)to mock or jeer
3)to demonstrate contempt for, as in a rule or convention
Synonyms: distain, disregar...[ 查看全文 ]
最新GRE考试词汇记忆: attenuate
attenuate:减弱;reduced especially in thickness, density, or force;to make thin
1)to make thin or weak
2)to thin out;to weaken
3)make thin, weaken, enervate
attenuate <> intensify, streng...[ 查看全文 ]
1) promptness in response : cheerful readiness
2) cheerful willingness; eagerness; eager and enthusiastic willingness
3) speed or quickness; celerity.
4) eager and cheerful readiness
5) (n.) ...[ 查看全文 ]
halcyon: 宁静的; calm and peaceful; tranquil; happy
1) idyllically calm and peaceful those were halcyon days
2) calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous
Synonyms: soothing, tranquil
halcyo...[ 查看全文 ]
1 红宝书:其重要性毋庸置疑,迄今收集GRE词汇最全的书,几乎每个考G的莘莘学子们都人手一本。以下基本书的使用亦是建立熟悉该书的基础上而展开。
2 蓝宝书:单词量比红宝书小,在这本书的使用上存在两种观点:一部分人认为背这个效率更高,另一部分人认为单词量不够,其实这两个是一个特点,效率高意味单词量比较少。该书的另外一个特点就是收录了类反真题,但如果在没有看真题的时候就看了这一部分...[ 查看全文 ]
GRE词汇:vacillate 考法
vacillate: 犹豫; to waver in mind, will, or feeling
1) to sway physically; to be indecisi...[ 查看全文 ]
GRE词汇:paragon 考法
paragon: model of excellence or perfection of a kind
1) an example of excellence
paragon ...[ 查看全文 ]
latitude n. 言行自由(freedom of opinion, conduct, or action);纬度(an imaginary line around the Earth parall...[ 查看全文 ]
kinetic adj. 运动的(of or resulting from motion);动力学的(of or relating to kinetic art)
[记]词根记忆:kine(动)+ti...[ 查看全文 ]