2012新GRE阅读技巧 复杂修饰、插入语的相关文章
2012新GRE阅读技巧 复杂修饰、省略、抽象词、易淆结构
She wished to discard the traditional methods and established vocabularies of such dance forms as ballet and to explore the internal sources of human expressiveness.
她希望抛弃传统的方法和像芭蕾舞这样已经确立的舞蹈语言,而希望探索...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读技巧 省略、易淆词
In experiments,an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs,but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.
在实验中,用取自右旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射,可改变左旋卵子的...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读技巧 难句复杂修饰
Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites found on Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually have been blasted free of Mars’s gravity by the impact on Mars of...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读技巧 难句插入语
Under the force of this view,it was perhaps inevitable that the art of rhetoric should pass from the status of being regarded as of questionable worth (because although it might be both a source of pl...[ 查看全文 ]
新GRE考试词汇记忆 ambiguous
ambiguous:模棱两可的, having two contrary meanings, equivocal
1)ill-defined or uncertain;possible to be understood in different ways
2)not clear;uncertain;vague
3)vague;subject to more than one interpre...[ 查看全文 ]
新GRE考试词汇记忆 obviate
obviate:v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要
1)to prevent or make unnecessary through anticipation
Our careful preparations for the move obviated the expense of having the movers help us pack.
The river was s...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读技巧 学术词汇
如果文章中出现深奥的学术名词,总会在上下文中给予或多或少的浅显解释,而这些解释可以帮助考生大概理解名词的含义。比如,很多人认为插入语是文章中无关紧要的东西,因此可以忽略,但插入语中往往包含了对复杂名词的解释,其作用本质上说就是通过增加冗余度来降低文章的理解难度,因此不可随意忽略。又如,为了说清楚某个术语的含义,文章作者会用类比的手法,将复杂的概念用读者更易理解的事物做比,因此类比的手段往往也是考生...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读技巧 复习注意事项
(4)推荐看一下ETS发的蓝皮的GRE笔试PRACTICE BOOK或者是大陆唯一授权的ETS官方指南,重点看看前面ETS的基本STRATEG...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读难句 复杂修饰、插入语
解释:在前后两个分句之间有一个插入语as far as psychoneural correlations were concerned.在后面的分句中,主语the obvious similarities之后的、修饰主语的成分较长、以至于有很多读者看到相隔很远的more remarkable than时一下子反应不过来是什么比后者更明显。其简化形式应为:similarit...[ 查看全文 ]
2012新GRE阅读难句 倒装
解释:focus A on B指把A集中于B,本句中介词on的宾语determining/more accurately the status of women invarious periods中有一个小倒装,正常语序应该是determining the status of women in various periods more accurately.
意群训练:In lar...[ 查看全文 ]