留学群相关文章 美国研究生申请法律专业ps范文的相关文章推荐
I am a person keen on challenges. Law will provide me with the kind of constant challenge I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Law plays an essential role in the changing nature of society.
My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination, and religio...
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编者按:第一, 字数过长。有的居然达到了1400字。Ps应该在800字左右,很多学校明确规定ps是300到500字,还有的学校要求是3500个字符之内...
第一, 字数过长。有的居然达到了1400字。Ps应该在800字左右,很多学校明确规定ps是300到500字,还有的学校要求是3500个字符之内。因此,除非特别要求,大家前往不要把ps写得太长,否则你千辛万苦努力的结果就是人家看也不看,仍进垃...[ 查看全文 ]
编者按:Economics and Finance Personal Statement Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in ...
Economics and Finance Personal Statement
Having a flair for Econom...[ 查看全文 ]
编者按: I took some time to read your statement. It's telling. Anyway, I talked with the chair of our department today and asked ab...
I took some time to read your statement. It's telling. Anyway, I ta...[ 查看全文 ]
编者按:糊的总结语,是要不得 高度概括性的总结语往往是那些已被多次使用的陈词滥调。例如,"I learned the value of hard work." 在这样的...
高度概括性的总结语往往是那些已被多次使用的陈词滥调。例如,"I learned the value of hard work." 在这样的陈述中我们得不到任何有深度或是有趣的见解,因为这样的话已经说...[ 查看全文 ]
在进行PS写作之前,我们希望大家对专业及学校已经有了清晰...[ 查看全文 ]
阿伯丁大学ps写作要求阿伯丁大学是英国20所明星级大学之一,位于风景优美的苏格兰东岸,该校成立于1495年,500多年历史,是英国最古老的六所大学之一,曾有四位研究员获得诺贝尔奖,包括胰岛素的发明者。该校有一万一千多名学生,其中16%是研究生,14...[ 查看全文 ]
编者按: Audience and Voice It's important to keep your audience in mind as your write your personal essay. While the admissions...
Audience and Voice
It's important to keep your audience in mind as...[ 查看全文 ]
President [Name], Faculty, Parents, Classmates, and Guests, I am honored to stand here today as your valedictorian. The path that led me to this podium required hard work, determination, courage, and ...[ 查看全文 ]
Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wi...[ 查看全文 ]
It’s all about the headline. It’s about getting your point across in the most direct way you can. These personal statements are very good example of this, in just a few lines I have to get...[ 查看全文 ]