2022年英语四级第一套试卷听力部分的题目及答案已经在网上流传出来了,小编特整理汇总在下文了,感兴趣的来看看了解一下吧!下面是留学群整理的“2022英语四级6月听力真题及答案(第一套)”,此文本仅供参考,欢迎阅读。2022年6月英语四级听力参考答案第一套Section ANews Report 1原文:[1] A new study finds that beverages containing add ed sugar might be harmfuL In the study, researchers a nalyzed information from over eighty thousand wome n and thirty seven thousand men. Participants worked in the health profession. They were followed for appro ximately three decades. They completed surveys abou t their diet every four years. They also answered to qu estions about sleep and... [ 查看全文 ]2022英语四级6月听力真题及答案(第一套)的相关文章