本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《版本未明的G类写作》。 发贴:liwei2000 我整理的机经中找不到编号且考过的版本。Version Unknown1Task1:住在一个语言学校安排的家庭里,条件不好投诉。Task2:随着科技的发展,人们有可能活100岁、甚至200岁。根据你的经验谈谈它的好处和坏处。Version Unknown2Task1:You have a friend will go on holiday to a town which you know very well, please write a letter to him/her, include:1. Recommend a place to live2. What things he/she can do in there, or where he/she can go3. WeatherTask2:Nowadays teenagers caused a lot of social problems due to lack of discipline. People think parents should spend more time to stay with their chi... [ 查看全文 ]雅思写作万能模板:版本未明的G类写作的相关文章