雅思写作中的七种实用高频句型 新东方网为考生们整理了七种雅思写作表达句式,涉及到了表示原因、坏处、现状等常见的雅思写作类别。大家在备考雅思写作考试的时候,可以适当的练习。这些都是雅思考试短文写作中使用率最高. 覆盖面最广的基本句式,每组句式的功能相同或相似,考生可根据自己的情况选择其中的1-2个,做到能够熟 练正确地仿写或套用。 一、表示原因 1. There are three reasons for this. 2. The reasons for this are as follows. 3. The reason for this is obvious. 4. The reason for this is not far to seek. 5. The reason for this is that... 6. We have good reason to believe that... 例如: There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life. Firstly, people’s living standard... [ 查看全文 ]专题推荐: