本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《问询信的写作规范》。 You are going to an overseas university to study. Write a letter to the university asking about accommodation and airport pickup.(问询信)亲爱的Morris女士: 我来信的目的是想问一下有关贵校住宿安排和机场接机的事宜。 Dear Ms. Morris, I’m writing to inquire about some information regarding accommodation at your university and the airport pickup issue. 我是一个成熟的女生,希望尽可能与其他成熟女生合住,最好是在安静的位置。然而,我不反对住在校园里,只要环境安静,不影响我的学业即可。我不吸烟,所以希望与其他不吸烟者合住,虽然这只是一个倾向而非要求。 I’m a mature, female student and would prefer, as far as possible, to share some accommodation w... [ 查看全文 ]雅思作文2012问询信的写作规范的相关文章
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《G类写作100-116(缺104\107\108\109\111\114)》。 发贴人:头破血流也要考v100task1:you attend a two-day cours,you are asked write a letter to the course orgniser。descripte detail about the cours ...[ 查看全文 ]