本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《10月4日新西兰口语回忆》。 发贴:lovelymu4th,Oct-my speaking topic(Wellington,NewZealand)part one:do u like reading?how often do u read?what kind of books do u usually read?how important is reading for u?when do u usually read?where do u prefer to read? part two:discribe a famous person,what he did?why is he famouse?what is he famous on?do u wanna meet him someday,why?and some other questions about media reports famous people...why they interested in report them...and so on... i'm not nverous at all,because the test is no meaning ... [ 查看全文 ]雅思口语素材10月4日新西兰口语回忆的相关文章