本文来自雅思口语网liuxuequn.com《雅思口语分类词汇大全2》。 5. all about my travels & placesyou are often asked questions about your travels and usually this will be connected to questions about holidays or leisure. It may be helpful to think of a few places you’ve been to in china and some ways to describe them.souvenirstwistedImperial palacegrasslandflightRock formationGreat wallsunsetbookRich cultureclimbglaciersDeep impressionlivelyTake picturesaltitudeviewstatuesPlant lifelimestonescenerysummitDeep gorgescliffstouristsDeep valleywildlifehistoricsitesSt... [ 查看全文 ]突破雅思口语关:雅思口语分类词汇大全2的相关文章