在读证明模板 保送生版
编者按:在读证明 姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。于XXXX年XX月保送录取进入我校XXXX学院XXXX专业学习,学制四年,现为本科四年级学... 在读证明 姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。于XXXX年XX月保送录取进入我校XXXX学院XXXX专业学习,学制四年,现为本科四年级学生。 华中科技大学教务处 二00三年五月十一日 Certificate name, sex, born in month, year, was enrolled in XXXX department(school) of xxxx, Huazhong University of Science & Technology in September, 1999, majoring in xxxx. The length of schooling is four years. Now he is a senior. Academic Affairs Office Huazhong University of Science & Technology Date of Certification: May 11, 2003 -- Look at the large picture... [ 查看全文 ]在读证明模板 保送生版的相关文章
Resume Writing Tips for Computer Information Posit
编者按:When writing a resume for a high-tech position such as Computer Information, Network Administration, PC Tech Support or Syst... When writing a resume for a high-tech position such as Computer Inf...[ 查看全文 ]