本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《的学术和艺术(2)》。 本文为留学群雅思频道(liuxuequn.com)和北京新东方学校联合约稿作品,转载请注明作者和出处! 其实,复杂的词汇是学生一时半时无法掌握的,反而是简单的单词如何用好,成为英语写作应试教学初级的主要课题。如果用好简单的词汇,就可以逐步追求表达的准确和精确,使用复杂的词汇。可是一开始就鼓励学生背诵大量的词汇,既不现实,也对于应试于事无补。 比如我再举个例子,还是雅思考试的题目。 Computers are now widely used in education so the teachers are not as important as they were before computers were popular. Do you agree or disagree with this point? 范文Compared with other human inventions and innovations, computers, the cold machines that are definitely devoid of soul, admittedly, have been playi... [ 查看全文 ]雅思作文技巧的学术和艺术(2)的相关文章