本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《语速和口语听力资料》。 网友linmoonyo:SHOULD I SPEAK SLOWLY OR QUICKLY? John:The simple answer is that you should speak using your natural speed. Speaking too quickly might make it more difficult for the interviewer to understand you, while intentionally slowing down your speed of speech might cause you to think too much and make more mistakes. One thing to pay attention to, however, is that some students speed up their speech when they get nervous. Try to avoid this by finding ways to relax in the interview. Let me know anythin... [ 查看全文 ]怎么提高雅思写作:语速和口语听力资料的相关文章
雅思写作词汇2012:考题分类之opinion compared
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《考题分类之opinion compared》。 分类备考雅思写作考题能让大家更加明确的准备自己的材料和写作方法,下面就为大家介绍一下雅思写作考题中最常见的一种类型,就是对比观点的类型。下面是详细内容,供大家在备考中进行参考和借鉴。 Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 此类提问的题目中必...[ 查看全文 ]